I want to print a double value in Java without exponential form.
double dexp = 12345678;
System.out.println(\"dexp: \"+dexp);
It shows this
This may be a tangent.... but if you need to put a numerical value as an integer (that is too big to be an integer) into a serializer (JSON, etc.) then you probably want "BigInterger"
value is a string - 7515904334
We need to represent it as a numerical in a Json message:
"servicer_name":"SOME CORPORATION"
We can't print it or we'll get this:
"servicer_name":"SOME CORPORATION"
Adding the value to the node like this produces the desired outcome:
BigInteger.valueOf(Long.parseLong(value, 10))
I'm not sure this is really on-topic, but since this question was my top hit when I searched for my solution, I thought I would share here for the benefit of others, lie me, who search poorly. :D