I really like the Command Line Parser Library ( http://commandline.codeplex.com/ ). It has a very simple and elegant way of setting up parameters via attributes:
class Options
[Option("i", "input", Required = true, HelpText = "Input file to read.")]
public string InputFile { get; set; }
[Option(null, "length", HelpText = "The maximum number of bytes to process.")]
public int MaximumLenght { get; set; }
[Option("v", null, HelpText = "Print details during execution.")]
public bool Verbose { get; set; }
[HelpOption(HelpText = "Display this help screen.")]
public string GetUsage()
var usage = new StringBuilder();
usage.AppendLine("Quickstart Application 1.0");
usage.AppendLine("Read user manual for usage instructions...");
return usage.ToString();