Getters and Setters are Highly Overused
I've seen millions of people claiming that public fields are evil, so they make them private and provide getters and setters for all of them. I believe this is almost identical to making the fields public, maybe a bit different if you're using threads (but generally is not the case) or if your accessors have business/presentation logic (something 'strange' at least).
I'm not in favor of public fields, but against making a getter/setter (or Property) for everyone of them, and then claiming that doing that is encapsulation or information hiding... ha!
This answer has raised some controversy in it's comments, so I'll try to clarify it a bit (I'll leave the original untouched since that is what many people upvoted).
First of all: anyone who uses public fields deserves jail time
Now, creating private fields and then using the IDE to automatically generate getters and setters for every one of them is nearly as bad as using public fields.
Many people think:
private fields + public accessors == encapsulation
I say (automatic or not) generation of getter/setter pair for your fields effectively goes against the so called encapsulation you are trying to achieve.
Lastly, let me quote Uncle Bob in this topic (taken from chapter 6 of "Clean Code"):
There is a reason that we keep our
variables private. We don't want
anyone else to depend on them. We want
the freedom to change their type or
implementation on a whim or an
impulse. Why, then, do so many
programmers automatically add getters
and setters to their objects, exposing
their private fields as if they were