Say I have an enum which is just
public enum Blah {
A, B, C, D
and I would like to find the enum value of a string, for example
Enum is very useful, I have been using Enum
a lot to add a description for some fields in different languages, as the following example:
public enum Status {
ACT(new String[] { "Accepted", "مقبول" }),
REJ(new String[] { "Rejected", "مرفوض" }),
PND(new String[] { "Pending", "في الانتظار" }),
ERR(new String[] { "Error", "خطأ" }),
SNT(new String[] { "Sent", "أرسلت" });
private String[] status;
public String getDescription(String lang) {
return lang.equals("en") ? status[0] : status[1];
Status(String[] status) {
this.status = status;
And then you can retrieve the description dynamically based in the language code passed to getDescription(String lang)
method, for example:
String statusDescription = Status.valueOf("ACT").getDescription("en");