How do I remove empty elements from an array in JavaScript?
Is there a straightforward way, or do I need to loop through it and remove them manually?
Actually Array.filter works on all browsers if you add some extra code. See below.
var array = ["","one",0,"",null,0,1,2,4,"two"];
function isempty(x){
return true;
var res = array.filter(isempty);
// gives: ["one",0,null,0,1,2,4,"two"]
This is the code you need to add for IE, but filter and Functional programmingis worth is imo.
//This prototype is provided by the Mozilla foundation and
//is distributed under the MIT license.
if (!Array.prototype.filter)
Array.prototype.filter = function(fun /*, thisp*/)
var len = this.length;
if (typeof fun != "function")
throw new TypeError();
var res = new Array();
var thisp = arguments[1];
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (i in this)
var val = this[i]; // in case fun mutates this
if (, val, i, this))
return res;