I wonder about what the best way is to create an JavaScript object that has properties and methods.
I have seen examples where the person used var self = this<
When one uses the trick of closing on "this" during a constructor invocation, it's in order to write a function that can be used as a callback by some other object that doesn't want to invoke a method on an object. It's not related to "making the scope correct".
Here's a vanilla JavaScript object:
function MyThing(aParam) {
var myPrivateVariable = "squizzitch";
this.someProperty = aParam;
this.useMeAsACallback = function() {
console.log("Look, I have access to " + myPrivateVariable + "!");
// Every MyThing will get this method for free:
MyThing.prototype.someMethod = function() {
You might get a lot out of reading what Douglas Crockford has to say about JavaScript. John Resig is also brilliant. Good luck!