How do I connect to a MySQL database using a python program?
As a db driver, there is also oursql. Some of the reasons listed on that link, which say why oursql is better:
- oursql has real parameterization, sending the SQL and data to MySQL completely separately.
- oursql allows text or binary data to be streamed into the database and streamed out of the database, instead of requiring everything to be buffered in the client.
- oursql can both insert rows lazily and fetch rows lazily.
- oursql has unicode support on by default.
- oursql supports python 2.4 through 2.7 without any deprecation warnings on 2.6+ (see PEP 218) and without completely failing on 2.7 (see PEP 328).
- oursql runs natively on python 3.x.
Very similar to mysqldb:
import oursql
db_connection = oursql.connect(host='',user='foo',passwd='foobar',db='db_name')
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM `tbl_name`")
for row in cur.fetchall():
print row[0]
The tutorial in the documentation is pretty decent.
And of course for ORM SQLAlchemy is a good choice, as already mentioned in the other answers.