Given this stack trace snippet
Caused by: Software caused connection abort: socket write error
In my case, I developped the client and the server side, and I have the exception :
Cause : error marshalling arguments; nested exception is: Software caused connection abort: socket write error
when classes in client and server are different. I don't download server's classes (Interfaces) on the client, I juste add same files in the project. But the path must be exactly the same. For example, on the server project I have java\rmi\services packages with some serviceInterface and implementations, I have to create the same package on the client project. If I change it by java/rmi/server/services for example, I get the above exception. Same exception if the interface version is different between client and server (even with an empty row added inadvertently ... I think rmi makes a sort of hash of classes to check version ... I don't know... If it could help ...