Does the \"for…in\" loop in Javascript loop through the hashtables/elements in the order they are declared? Is there a browser which doesn\'t do it in order?
The object
This does not answer the question per se, but offers a solution to the basic problem.
Assuming that you cannot rely on order to preserved, why not use an array of objects with key and value as properties?
var myArray = [
'key' : 'key1'
'value' : 0
'key' : 'key2',
'value' : 1
} // ...
Now, it is up to you to ensure that the keys are unique (assuming that this is also important to you. As well, direct addressing changes, and for ( now returns indexes as 'keys'.
> console.log(myArray[0].key);
> for (let index in myArray) {console.log(myArray[index].value);}
See the Pen for ( addressing in order by JDQ (@JDQ) on CodePen.