Does the \"for…in\" loop in Javascript loop through the hashtables/elements in the order they are declared? Is there a browser which doesn\'t do it in order?
The object
From the ECMAScript Language Specification, section 12.6.4 (on the for .. in
The mechanics of enumerating the properties is implementation dependent. The order of enumeration is defined by the object.
And section 4.3.3 (definition of "Object"):
It is an unordered collection of properties each of which contains a primitive value, object, or function. A function stored in a property of an object is called a method.
I guess that means you cant rely on the properties being enumerated in a consistent order across JavaScript implementations. (It would be bad style anyway to rely on implementation-specific details of a language.)
If you want your order defined, you will need to implement something that defines it, like an array of keys that you sort before accessing the object with it.