Think a worker bee. It tries to make honey. It does its job and expects other worker bees to make rest of the honey. And when the honeycomb is full, it stops.
Think it as magic. You have a function that has the same name with the one you are trying to implement and when you give it the subproblem, it solves it for you and the only thing you need to do is to integrate the solution of your part with the solution it gave you.
For example, we want to calculate the length of a list. Lets call our function magical_length and our magical helper with magical_length
We know that if we give the sublist which does not have the first element, it will give us the length of the sublist by magic. Then only thing we need to think is how to integrate this information with our job. The length of the first element is 1 and magic_counter gives us the length of sublist n-1, therefore total length is (n-1) + 1 -> n
int magical_length( list )
sublist = rest_of_the_list( list )
sublist_length = magical_length( sublist ) // you can think this function as magical and given to you
return 1 + sublist_length
However this answer is incomplete because we didn't consider what happens if we give an empty list. We thought that the list we have always has at least one element. Therefore we need to think about what should be the answer if we are given an empty list and answer is obviously 0. So add this information to our function and this is called base/edge condition.
int magical_length( list )
if ( list is empty) then
return 0
sublist_length = magical_length( sublist ) // you can think this function as magical and given to you
return 1 + sublist_length