I just installed node and npm through the package on nodejs.org and whenever I try to search or install something with npm it throws the following error, unless I sudo the c
As if we need more answers here, but anyway..
Sindre Sorus has a guide Install npm packages globally without sudo on OS X and Linux outlining how to cleanly install without messing with permissions:
Here is a way to install packages globally for a given user.
Create a directory for your global packages
mkdir "${HOME}/.npm-packages"
Reference this directory for future usage in your .bashrc/.zshrc:
Indicate to npm where to store your globally installed package. In your
file add:prefix=${HOME}/.npm-packages
Ensure node will find them. Add the following to your .bashrc/.zshrc:
Ensure you'll find installed binaries and man pages. Add the following to your
:PATH="$NPM_PACKAGES/bin:$PATH" # Unset manpath so we can inherit from /etc/manpath via the `manpath` # command unset MANPATH # delete if you already modified MANPATH elsewhere in your config MANPATH="$NPM_PACKAGES/share/man:$(manpath)"
Check out npm-g_nosudo for doing the above steps automagically
Checkout the source of this guide for the latest updates.