I have some JavaScript code that looks like:
function statechangedPostQuestion()
if (xmlhttp.readyState==
How i resolved this stage ?
just like that :
setTimeout((function(_deepFunction ,_deepData){
var _deepResultFunction = function _deepResultFunction(){
return _deepResultFunction;
})(fromOuterFunction, fromOuterData ) , 1000 );
setTimeout wait a reference to a function, so i created it in a closure, which interprete my data and return a function with a good instance of my data !
Maybe you can improve this part :
// change to something like :
_deepFunction.apply(contextFromParams , args);
I tested it on chrome, firefox and IE and it execute well, i don't know about performance but i needed it to be working.
a sample test :
myDelay_function = function(fn , params , ctxt , _time){
setTimeout((function(_deepFunction ,_deepData, _deepCtxt){
var _deepResultFunction = function _deepResultFunction(){
_deepFunction.call( _deepCtxt , _deepData);
return _deepResultFunction;
})(fn , params , ctxt)
, _time)
// the function to be used :
myFunc = function(param){ console.log(param + this.name) }
// note that we call this.name
// a context object :
myObjet = {
id : "myId" ,
name : "myName"
// setting a parmeter
myParamter = "I am the outer parameter : ";
//and now let's make the call :
myDelay_function(myFunc , myParamter , myObjet , 1000)
// this will produce this result on the console line :
// I am the outer parameter : myName
Maybe you can change the signature to make it more complient :
myNass_setTimeOut = function (fn , _time , params , ctxt ){
return setTimeout((function(_deepFunction ,_deepData, _deepCtxt){
var _deepResultFunction = function _deepResultFunction(){
_deepFunction.apply( _deepCtxt , _deepData);
return _deepResultFunction;
})(fn , params , ctxt)
, _time)
// and try again :
for(var i=0; i<10; i++){
myNass_setTimeOut(console.log ,1000 , [i] , console)
And finaly to answer the original question :
myNass_setTimeOut( postinsql, 4000, topicId );
Hope it can help !
ps : sorry but english it's not my mother tongue !