What are the values in JavaScript that are \'falsey\', meaning that they evaluate as false in expressions like if(value)
, value ?
type: 0
and also -0, 0.0
, and hex form 0x0
(thanks RBT)0n
and -0n
(new in 2020, thanks GetMeARemoteJob)""
, ''
and `` - strings of length 0null
(in HTML browsers only)
is a falsey object, with typeof
as undefined
. It was a Microsoft-proprietory function in IE before IE11, and was added to the HTML spec as a "willful violation of the JavaScript specification" so that sites written for IE wouldn't break on trying to access, for example, document.all.something
; it's falsy because if (document.all)
used to be a popular way to detect IE, before conditional comments. See Why is document.all falsy? for details"Falsey" simply means that JavaScript's internal ToBoolean function returns false
. ToBoolean
underlies !value
, value ? ... : ...;
and if (value)
. Here's its official specification (2020 working draft) (the only changes since the very first ECMAscript specification in 1997 are the addition of ES6's Symbols, which are always truthy, and BigInt
, mentioned above:
(loose equality)It's worth talking about falsy values' loose comparisons with ==, which uses ToNumber() and can cause some confusion due to the underlying differences. They effectively form three groups:
false, 0, -0, "", ''
all match each other with ==
false == ""
, '' == 0
and therefore 4/2 - 2 == 'some string'.slice(11);
null, undefined
match with ==
null == undefined
but undefined != false
typeof null
returns 'object'
, null
is not an object, this is a longstanding bug/quirk that was not fixed in order to maintain compatibility. It's not a true object, and objects are truthy (except for that "wilful violation" document.all
when Javascript is implemented in HTML)NaN
doesn't match anything, with == or ===, not even itself
NaN != NaN
, NaN !== NaN
, NaN != false
, NaN != null
With "strict equality" (===
), there are no such groupings. Only false
This is one of the reasons why many developers and many style guides (e.g. standardjs) prefer ===
and almost never use ==
== false
"Truthy" simply means that JavaScript's internal ToBoolean function returns true
. A quirk of Javascript to be aware of (and another good reason to prefer ===
over ==
): it is possible for a value to be truthy (ToBoolean
returns true
), but also == false
You might think if (value && value == false) alert('Huh?')
is a logical impossibility that couldn't happen, but it will, for:
and '0'
- they're non-empty strings, which are truthy, but Javascript's ==
matches numbers with equivalent strings (e.g. 42 == "42"
). Since 0 == false
, if "0" == 0
, "0" == false
.new Number(0)
and new Boolean(false)
- they're objects, which are truthy, but ==
sees their values, which == false
.0 .toExponential();
- an object with a numerical value equivalent to 0
, [[]]
and [0]
(thanks cloudfeet for the JavaScript Equality Table link)These are just a few values that some people might expect to be falsey, but are actually truthy.
and all non-zero negative numbers' '
, " "
, "false"
, 'null'
... all non-empty strings, including strings that are just whitespaceAnything from typeof
, which always returns a non-empty string, for example:
typeof null
(returns a string 'object'
due to a longstanding bug/quirk)typeof undefined
(returns a string 'undefined'
)Any object (except that "wilful violation" document.all
in browsers; remember that null
isn't really an object despite typeof
suggesting otherwise). Including:
or () => {} (any function, including empty functions)Error
and any instance of Error
(including new Number(0)
and new Boolean(false)
, 1
, "1"
and [1]
return true
when compared to each other with ==