Thanks to some help from people here, I was able to get my code for Tasmanian camels puzzle working. However, it is horribly slow (I think. I\'m not sure because this is my
My other answer is rather long, so I decided to list this as a separate answer. This problem is really better suited to doing a depth-first search. I made a depth-first search solution and it is much, much faster than the optimized A-star method made with the changes outlined in my other answer (which is much, much faster than the OP code). For instance, here are the results for running both my A-star and my depth-first search methods on the 17 camels per side case.
A-star: 14.76 seconds
Depth-first search: 1.30 seconds
Here's my depth-first method code if you are interested:
from sys import argv
fCamel = 'F'
bCamel = 'B'
gap = 'G'
def issolution(formlen):
def solution(formation):
if formation[formlen2] == gap:
return formation.index(fCamel) == x
return 0
x = formlen/2 + 1
formlen2 = formlen/2
return solution
def solve(formation):
def depthfirst(form, g):
if checksolution(form):
return [tuple(form)], g + 1
igap = form.index(gap)
if(igap > 1 and form[igap-2] == fCamel):
form[igap-2],form[igap] = form[igap],form[igap-2]
res = depthfirst(form,g+1)
form[igap-2],form[igap] = form[igap],form[igap-2]
if res != 0:
return [tuple(form)]+res[0],res[1]
if (igap < flen - 2) and form[igap + 2] == bCamel:
form[igap+2],form[igap] = form[igap],form[igap+2]
res = depthfirst(form,g+1)
form[igap+2],form[igap] = form[igap],form[igap+2]
if res != 0:
return [tuple(form)]+res[0],res[1]
if(igap > 0 and form[igap-1] == fCamel):
form[igap-1],form[igap] = form[igap],form[igap-1]
res = depthfirst(form,g+1)
form[igap-1],form[igap] = form[igap],form[igap-1]
if res != 0:
return [tuple(form)]+res[0],res[1]
if (igap < flen - 1) and form[igap+1] == bCamel:
form[igap+1],form[igap] = form[igap],form[igap+1]
res = depthfirst(form,g+1)
form[igap+1],form[igap] = form[igap],form[igap+1]
if res != 0:
return [tuple(form)]+res[0],res[1]
return 0
flen = len(formation)
checksolution = issolution(flen)
res = depthfirst(list(formation), 0)
return res
L = lambda x: tuple([fCamel]*x + [gap] + [bCamel]*x)
print solve(L(int(argv[1])))