I am using the autocomplete feature of jQuery. When I try to retrieve the list of more then 17000 records (each won\'t have more than 10 char length), it\'s exceeding the le
Just ran into this. I'm getting over 6,000 records. Just decided I'd just do some paging. As in, I accept a page number in my MVC JsonResult endpoint, which is defaulted to 0 so it's not necessary, like so:
public JsonResult MyObjects(int pageNumber = 0)
Then instead of saying:
return Json(_repository.MyObjects.ToList(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
I say:
return Json(_repository.MyObjects.OrderBy(obj => obj.ID).Skip(1000 * pageNumber).Take(1000).ToList(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
It's very simple. Then, in JavaScript, instead of this:
function myAJAXCallback(items) {
// Do stuff here
I instead say:
var pageNumber = 0;
function myAJAXCallback(items) {
if(items.length == 1000)
// Call same endpoint but add this to the end: '?pageNumber=' + ++pageNumber
// Do stuff here
And append your records to whatever you were doing with them in the first place. Or just wait until all the calls finish and cobble the results together.