In Javascript, I\'m trying to take an initial array of number values and count the elements inside it. Ideally, the result would be two new arrays, the first specifying each
Edit 2020: this is a pretty old answer (nine years). Extending the native prototype
will always generate discussion. Although I think the programmer is free to choose her own programming style, here's a (more modern) approach to the problem without extending Array.prototype
// create array with some pseudo random values (1 - 5)
const arr = Array.from({length: 100})
.map( () => Math.floor(1 + Math.random() * 5) );
// frequencies using a reducer
const arrFrequencies = arr.reduce((acc, value) =>
({ ...acc, [value]: acc[value] + 1 || 1}), {} )
console.log(`Value 4 occurs ${arrFrequencies[4]} times in arrFrequencies`);
// bonus: restore Array from frequencies
const arrRestored = Object.entries(arrFrequencies)
.reduce( (acc, [key, value]) => acc.concat(Array(value).fill(+key)), [] );
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The old (2011) answer: you could extend Array.prototype
, like this:
Array.prototype.frequencies = function() {
var l = this.length,
result = {
all: []
while (l--) {
result[this[l]] = result[this[l]] ? ++result[this[l]] : 1;
// all pairs (label, frequencies) to an array of arrays(2)
for (var l in result) {
if (result.hasOwnProperty(l) && l !== 'all') {
result.all.push([l, result[l]]);
return result;
var freqs = [5, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 9, 4].frequencies();
console.log(`freqs[2]: ${freqs[2]}`); //=> 5
// or
var freqs = '1,1,2,one,one,2,2,22,three,four,five,three,three,five'
console.log(`freqs.three: ${freqs.three}`); //=> 3
// Alternatively you can utilize
Array.prototype.frequencies = function() {
var freqs = {
sum: 0
}; {
if (!(a in this)) {
this[a] = 1;
} else {
this[a] += 1;
this.sum += 1;
return a;
}, freqs);
return freqs;
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