I was just wondering how most people fetch a mime type from a file in Java? So far I\'ve tried two utils: JMimeMagic
& Mime-Util
With Apache Tika you need only three lines of code:
File file = new File("/path/to/file");
Tika tika = new Tika();
If you have a groovy console, just paste and run this code to play with it:
import org.apache.tika.Tika;
def tika = new Tika()
def file = new File("/path/to/file")
println tika.detect(file)
Keep in mind that its APIs are rich, it can parse "anything". As of tika-core 1.14, you have:
String detect(byte[] prefix)
String detect(byte[] prefix, String name)
String detect(File file)
String detect(InputStream stream)
String detect(InputStream stream, Metadata metadata)
String detect(InputStream stream, String name)
String detect(Path path)
String detect(String name)
String detect(URL url)
See the apidocs for more information.