I am looking for suggestions on how to handle a csv file that is being created, then uploaded by our customers, and that may have a comma in a value, like a company name.
As others have said, you need to escape values that include quotes. Here’s a little CSV reader in C♯ that supports quoted values, including embedded quotes and carriage returns.
By the way, this is unit-tested code. I’m posting it now because this question seems to come up a lot and others may not want an entire library when simple CSV support will do.
You can use it as follows:
using System;
public class test
public static void Main()
using ( CsvReader reader = new CsvReader( "data.csv" ) )
foreach( string[] values in reader.RowEnumerator )
Console.WriteLine( "Row {0} has {1} values.", reader.RowIndex, values.Length );
Here are the classes. Note that you can use the Csv.Escape
function to write valid CSV as well.
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public sealed class CsvReader : System.IDisposable
public CsvReader( string fileName ) : this( new FileStream( fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read ) )
public CsvReader( Stream stream )
__reader = new StreamReader( stream );
public System.Collections.IEnumerable RowEnumerator
get {
if ( null == __reader )
throw new System.ApplicationException( "I can't start reading without CSV input." );
__rowno = 0;
string sLine;
string sNextLine;
while ( null != ( sLine = __reader.ReadLine() ) )
while ( rexRunOnLine.IsMatch( sLine ) && null != ( sNextLine = __reader.ReadLine() ) )
sLine += "\n" + sNextLine;
string[] values = rexCsvSplitter.Split( sLine );
for ( int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++ )
values[i] = Csv.Unescape( values[i] );
yield return values;
public long RowIndex { get { return __rowno; } }
public void Dispose()
if ( null != __reader ) __reader.Dispose();
private long __rowno = 0;
private TextReader __reader;
private static Regex rexCsvSplitter = new Regex( @",(?=(?:[^""]*""[^""]*"")*(?![^""]*""))" );
private static Regex rexRunOnLine = new Regex( @"^[^""]*(?:""[^""]*""[^""]*)*""[^""]*$" );
public static class Csv
public static string Escape( string s )
if ( s.Contains( QUOTE ) )
s = s.Replace( QUOTE, ESCAPED_QUOTE );
if ( s.IndexOfAny( CHARACTERS_THAT_MUST_BE_QUOTED ) > -1 )
s = QUOTE + s + QUOTE;
return s;
public static string Unescape( string s )
if ( s.StartsWith( QUOTE ) && s.EndsWith( QUOTE ) )
s = s.Substring( 1, s.Length - 2 );
if ( s.Contains( ESCAPED_QUOTE ) )
s = s.Replace( ESCAPED_QUOTE, QUOTE );
return s;
private const string QUOTE = "\"";
private const string ESCAPED_QUOTE = "\"\"";
private static char[] CHARACTERS_THAT_MUST_BE_QUOTED = { ',', '"', '\n' };