How can I convert an array to a SimpleXML object in PHP?
I would have commented the second most voted answer, because it doesn't preserve structure and generates bad xml if there is numerically indexed inner arrays.
I developed my own version based on it, because I needed simple converter between json and xml regardless of the structure of data. My version preserves numeric key information and structure of the original array. It creates elements for the numerically indexed values by wrapping values to value -named elements with key-attribute that contains numerical key.
For example
array('test' => array(0 => 'some value', 1 => 'other'))
converts to
My version of array_to_xml -function (hope it helps somebody :)
function array_to_xml($arr, &$xml) {
foreach($arr as $key => $value) {
if(is_array($value)) {
$subnode = $xml->addChild("$key");
} else {
$subnode = $xml->addChild("value");
$subnode->addAttribute('key', $key);
array_to_xml($value, $subnode);
else {
if (is_numeric($key)) {
$xml->addChild("value", $value)->addAttribute('key', $key);
} else {