How can I convert an array to a SimpleXML object in PHP?
Most of the above answers are correct. However, I came up with this answer which solves the array_walk_recursive compatibility issue and also the numerical keys problem. It also passed all the tests I made:
function arrayToXML(Array $array, SimpleXMLElement &$xml) {
foreach($array as $key => $value) {
// None array
if (!is_array($value)) {
(is_numeric($key)) ? $xml->addChild("item$key", $value) : $xml->addChild($key, $value);
// Array
$xmlChild = (is_numeric($key)) ? $xml->addChild("item$key") : $xml->addChild($key);
arrayToXML($value, $xmlChild);
I have also added a test class for this which you may find useful:
class ArrayToXmlTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
public function setUp(){ }
public function tearDown(){ }
public function testFuncExists() {
public function testFuncReturnsXml() {
$array = array(
'name' => 'ardi',
'last_name' => 'eshghi',
'age' => 31,
'tel' => '0785323435'
$xmlEl = new SimpleXMLElement(' ');
arrayToXml($array, $xmlEl);
$this->assertTrue($xmlEl instanceOf SimpleXMLElement);
public function testAssocArrayToXml() {
$array = array(
'name' => 'ardi',
'last_name' => 'eshghi',
'age' => 31,
'tel' => '0785323435'
$expectedXmlEl = new SimpleXMLElement(' ');
$expectedXmlEl->addChild('name', $array['name']);
$expectedXmlEl->addChild('last_name', $array['last_name']);
$expectedXmlEl->addChild('age', $array['age']);
$expectedXmlEl->addChild('tel', $array['tel']);
$actualXmlEl = new SimpleXMLElement(' ');
arrayToXml($array, $actualXmlEl);
$this->assertEquals($expectedXmlEl->asXML(), $actualXmlEl->asXML());
public function testNoneAssocArrayToXml() {
$array = array(
// Expected xml value
$expectedXmlEl = new SimpleXMLElement(' ');
foreach($array as $key => $value)
$expectedXmlEl->addChild("item$key", $value);
// What the function produces
$actualXmlEl = new SimpleXMLElement(' ');
arrayToXml($array, $actualXmlEl);
$this->assertEquals($expectedXmlEl->asXML(), $actualXmlEl->asXML());
public function testNestedMixArrayToXml() {
$testArray = array(
"funny" => array(
'name' => 'ardi',
'tel' =>'07415517499',
"fields" => array(
'email' => ''
'good old days'
"notes" => "come on lads lets enjoy this",
"cast" => array(
'Tom Cruise',
'Thomas Muller' => array('age' => 24)
// Expected xml value
$expectedXmlEl = new SimpleXMLElement(' ');
$expectedXmlEl->addChild('item0', $testArray[0]);
$expectedXmlEl->addChild('item1', $testArray[1]);
$childEl = $expectedXmlEl->addChild('funny');
$childEl->addChild("name", $testArray['funny']['name']);
$childEl->addChild("tel", $testArray['funny']['tel']);
$childEl->addChild("item0", "vary");
$childChildEl = $childEl->addChild("fields");
$childChildEl->addChild('item0', 'small');
$childChildEl->addChild('email', $testArray['funny']['fields']['email']);
$childEl->addChild("item1", 'good old days');
$expectedXmlEl->addChild('notes', $testArray['notes']);
$childEl2 = $expectedXmlEl->addChild('cast');
$childEl2->addChild('item0', 'Tom Cruise');
$childChildEl2 = $childEl2->addChild('Thomas Muller');
$childChildEl2->addChild('age', $testArray['cast']['Thomas Muller']['age']);
// What the function produces
$actualXmlEl = new SimpleXMLElement(' ');
arrayToXml($testArray, $actualXmlEl);
$this->assertEquals($expectedXmlEl->asXML(), $actualXmlEl->asXML());