I\'m writing a tiny webpage whose purpose is to frame a few other pages, simply to consolidate them into a single browser window for ease of viewing. A few of the pages I\'
The only real answer, if you don't control the headers on your source you want in your iframe, is to proxy it. Have a server act as a client, receive the source, strip the problematic headers, add CORS if needed, and then ping your own server.
There is one other answer explaining how to write such a proxy. It isn't difficult, but I was sure someone had to have done this before. It was just difficult to find it, for some reason.
I finally did find some sources:
^ preferred. If you need rare usage, I think you can just use his heroku app. Otherwise, it's code to run it yourself on your own server. Note sure what the limits are.
^ second choice, but quite old. supposedly newer choice in python: https://github.com/Eiledon/alloworigin
then there's the third choice:
Which seems to allow a little free usage, but will put you on a public shame list if you don't pay and use some unspecified amount, which you can only be removed from if you pay the fee...