I\'m trying to write a function that does the following:
Here's one I made...
const permute = (ar) =>
ar.length === 1 ? ar : ar.reduce( (ac,_,i) =>
{permute([...ar.slice(0,i),...ar.slice(i+1)]).map(v=>ac.push([].concat(ar[i],v))); return ac;},[]);
And here it is again but written less tersely!...
function permute(inputArray) {
if (inputArray.length === 1) return inputArray;
return inputArray.reduce( function(accumulator,_,index){
return accumulator;
How it works: If the array is longer than one element it steps through each element and concatenates it with a recursive call to itself with the remaining elements as it's argument. It doesn't mutate the original array.