I\'m looking for a simple commons method or operator that allows me to repeat some string n times. I know I could write this using a for loop, but I wish to avoid f
If you are using Java <= 7, this is as "concise" as it gets:
// create a string made up of n copies of string s
String.format("%0" + n + "d", 0).replace("0", s);
In Java 8 and above there is a more readable way:
// create a string made up of n copies of string s
String.join("", Collections.nCopies(n, s));
Finally, for Java 11 and above, there is a new repeat(int count)
method specifically for this(link)
Alternatively, if your project uses java libraries there are more options.
For Apache Commons:
StringUtils.repeat("abc", 12);
For Google Guava:
Strings.repeat("abc", 12);