I made a function which will look up ages in a Dictionary
and show the matching name:
dictionary = {\'george\' : 16, \'amber\' : 19}
I tried to read as many solutions as I can to prevent giving duplicate answer. However, if you are working on a dictionary which values are contained in lists and if you want to get keys that have a particular element you could do this:
d = {'Adams': [18, 29, 30],
'Allen': [9, 27],
'Anderson': [24, 26],
'Bailey': [7, 30],
'Baker': [31, 7, 10, 19],
'Barnes': [22, 31, 10, 21],
'Bell': [2, 24, 17, 26]}
Now lets find names that have 24 in their values.
for key in d.keys():
if 24 in d[key]:
This would work with multiple values as well.