I made a function which will look up ages in a Dictionary
and show the matching name:
dictionary = {\'george\' : 16, \'amber\' : 19}
Consider using Pandas. As stated in William McKinney's "Python for Data Analysis'
Another way to think about a Series is as a fixed-length, ordered dict, as it is a mapping of index values to data values. It can be used in many contexts where you might use a dict.
import pandas as pd
list = {'george':16,'amber':19}
lookup_list = pd.Series(list)
To query your series do the following:
lookup_list[lookup_list.values == 19]
Which yields:
amber 19
dtype: int64
If you need to do anything else with the output transforming the answer into a list might be useful:
answer = lookup_list[lookup_list.values == 19].index
answer = pd.Index.tolist(answer)