As stated above, the lambda operator in Python defines an anonymous function, and in Python functions are closures. It is important not to confuse the concept of closures with the operator lambda, which is merely syntactic methadone for them.
When I started in Python a few years ago, I used lambdas a lot, thinking they were cool, along with list comprehensions. However, I wrote and have to maintain a big website written in Python, with on the order of several thousand function points. I've learnt from experience that lambdas might be OK to prototype things with, but offer nothing over inline functions (named closures) except for saving a few key-stokes, or sometimes not.
Basically this boils down to several points:
- it is easier to read software that is explicitly written using meaningful names. Anonymous closures by definition cannot have a meaningful name, as they have no name. This brevity seems, for some reason, to also infect lambda parameters, hence we often see examples like lambda x: x+1
- it is easier to reuse named closures, as they can be referred to by name more than once, when there is a name to refer to them by.
- it is easier to debug code that is using named closures instead of lambdas, because the name will appear in tracebacks, and around the error.
That's enough reason to round them up and convert them to named closures. However, I hold two other grudges against anonymous closures.
The first grudge is simply that they are just another unnecessary keyword cluttering up the language.
The second grudge is deeper and on the paradigm level, i.e. I do not like that they promote a functional-programming style, because that style is less flexible than the message passing, object oriented or procedural styles, because the lambda calculus is not Turing-complete (luckily in Python, we can still break out of that restriction even inside a lambda). The reasons I feel lambdas promote this style are:
There is an implicit return, i.e. they seem like they 'should' be functions.
They are an alternative state-hiding mechanism to another, more explicit, more readable, more reusable and more general mechanism: methods.
I try hard to write lambda-free Python, and remove lambdas on sight. I think Python would be a slightly better language without lambdas, but that's just my opinion.