I need to warn users about unsaved changes before they leave a page (a pretty common problem).
This works bu
I faced the same problem, I was ok to get its own dialog box with my message, but the problem I faced was : 1) It was giving message on all navigations I want it only for close click. 2) with my own confirmation message if user selects cancel it still shows the browser's default dialog box.
Following is the solutions code I found, which I wrote on my Master page.
function closeMe(evt) {
if (typeof evt == 'undefined') {
evt = window.event; }
if (evt && evt.clientX >= (window.event.screenX - 150) &&
evt.clientY >= -150 && evt.clientY <= 0) {
return "Do you want to log out of your current session?";
window.onbeforeunload = closeMe;