I\'m trying to write a function that either accepts a list of strings, or a single string. If it\'s a string, then I want to convert it to an array with just the one item so
The best solution I've seen is a cross-browser replacement for typeof. Check Angus Croll's solution here.
The TL;DR version is below, but the article is a great discussion of the issue so you should read it if you have time.
Object.toType = function(obj) {
return ({}).toString.call(obj).match(/\s([a-z|A-Z]+)/)[1].toLowerCase();
// ... and usage:
Object.toType([1,2,3]); //"array" (all browsers)
// or to test...
var shouldBeAnArray = [1,2,3];
if(Object.toType(shouldBeAnArray) === 'array'){/* do stuff */};