I have this line of code which rounds my numbers to two decimal places. But I get numbers like this: 10.8, 2.4, etc. These are not my idea of two decimal places so how I can
Here's a TypeScript implementation of https://stackoverflow.com/a/21323330/916734. It also dries things up with functions, and allows for a optional digit offset.
export function round(rawValue: number | string, precision = 0, fractionDigitOffset = 0): number | string {
const value = Number(rawValue);
if (isNaN(value)) return rawValue;
precision = Number(precision);
if (precision % 1 !== 0) return NaN;
let [ stringValue, exponent ] = scientificNotationToParts(value);
let shiftExponent = exponentForPrecision(exponent, precision, Shift.Right);
const enlargedValue = toScientificNotation(stringValue, shiftExponent);
const roundedValue = Math.round(enlargedValue);
[ stringValue, exponent ] = scientificNotationToParts(roundedValue);
const precisionWithOffset = precision + fractionDigitOffset;
shiftExponent = exponentForPrecision(exponent, precisionWithOffset, Shift.Left);
return toScientificNotation(stringValue, shiftExponent);
enum Shift {
Left = -1,
Right = 1,
function scientificNotationToParts(value: number): Array {
const [ stringValue, exponent ] = value.toString().split('e');
return [ stringValue, exponent ];
function exponentForPrecision(exponent: string, precision: number, shift: Shift): number {
precision = shift * precision;
return exponent ? (Number(exponent) + precision) : precision;
function toScientificNotation(value: string, exponent: number): number {
return Number(`${value}e${exponent}`);