I can print with printf as a hex or octal number. Is there a format tag to print as binary, or arbitrary base?
I am running gcc.
printf(\"%d %x %o
Quick and easy solution:
void printbits(my_integer_type x)
for(int i=sizeof(x)<<3; i; i--)
Works for any size type and for signed and unsigned ints. The '&1' is needed to handle signed ints as the shift may do sign extension.
There are so many ways of doing this. Here's a super simple one for printing 32 bits or n bits from a signed or unsigned 32 bit type (not putting a negative if signed, just printing the actual bits) and no carriage return. Note that i is decremented before the bit shift:
#define printbits_n(x,n) for (int i=n;i;i--,putchar('0'|(x>>i)&1))
#define printbits_32(x) printbits_n(x,32)
What about returning a string with the bits to store or print later? You either can allocate the memory and return it and the user has to free it, or else you return a static string but it will get clobbered if it's called again, or by another thread. Both methods shown:
char *int_to_bitstring_alloc(int x, int count)
count = count<1 ? sizeof(x)*8 : count;
char *pstr = malloc(count+1);
for(int i = 0; i>(count-1-i))&1);
return pstr;
#define BITSIZEOF(x) (sizeof(x)*8)
char *int_to_bitstring_static(int x, int count)
static char bitbuf[BITSIZEOF(x)+1];
count = (count<1 || count>BITSIZEOF(x)) ? BITSIZEOF(x) : count;
for(int i = 0; i>(count-1-i))&1);
return bitbuf;
Call with:
// memory allocated string returned which needs to be freed
char *pstr = int_to_bitstring_alloc(0x97e50ae6, 17);
printf("bits = 0b%s\n", pstr);
// no free needed but you need to copy the string to save it somewhere else
char *pstr2 = int_to_bitstring_static(0x97e50ae6, 17);
printf("bits = 0b%s\n", pstr2);