How can I programmatically get the phone number of the device that is running my android app?
First of all getting users mobile number is against the Ethical policy, earlier it was possible but now as per my research there no solid solution available for this, By using some code it is possible to get mobile number but no guarantee may be it will work only in few device. After lot of research i found only three solution but they are not working in all device.
There is the following reason why we are not getting.
1.Android device and new Sim Card not storing mobile number if mobile number is not available in device and in sim then how it is possible to get number, if any old sim card having mobile number then using Telephony manager we can get the number other wise it will return the “null” or “” or “??????”
TelephonyManager tel= (TelephonyManager)this.getSystemService(Context.
String PhoneNumber = tel.getLine1Number();
Note:- I have tested this solution in following device Moto x, Samsung Tab 4, Samsung S4, Nexus 5 and Redmi 2 prime but it doesn’t work every time it return empty string so conclusion is it's useless
Note:- This is also not the guaranteed and efficient solution, I have tested this solution in many device but it worked only in Redmi 2 prime which is dual sim device it gives me two mobile number first one is correct but the second one is not belong to my second sim it belong to my some old sim card which i am not using.
String main_data[] = {"data1", "is_primary", "data3", "data2", "data1",
"is_primary", "photo_uri", "mimetype"};
Object object = getContentResolver().
query(Uri.withAppendedPath(android.provider.ContactsContract.Profile.CONTENT_URI, "data"),
main_data, "mimetype=?",
new String[]{""},
"is_primary DESC");
String s1="";
if (object != null) {
do {
if (!((Cursor) (object)).moveToNext())
// This is the phoneNumber
s1 =s1+"---"+ ((Cursor) (object)).getString(4);
} while (true);
((Cursor) (object)).close();
Conclusion:- Android doesn’t have any guaranteed solution to get user's mobile number programmatically.
Suggestion:- 1. If you want to verify user’s mobile number then ask to user to provide his number, using otp you can can verify that.
- If you want to identify the user’s device, for this you can easily get device IMEI number.