What is the difference between a function decorated with @staticmethod and one decorated with @classmethod?
Let me tell the similarity between a method decorated with @classmethod vs @staticmethod first.
Similarity: Both of them can be called on the Class itself, rather than just the instance of the class. So, both of them in a sense are Class's methods.
Difference: A classmethod will receive the class itself as the first argument, while a staticmethod does not.
So a static method is, in a sense, not bound to the Class itself and is just hanging in there just because it may have a related functionality.
>>> class Klaus:
def classmthd(*args):
return args
def staticmthd(*args):
return args
# 1. Call classmethod without any arg
>>> Klaus.classmthd()
(__main__.Klaus,) # the class gets passed as the first argument
# 2. Call classmethod with 1 arg
>>> Klaus.classmthd('chumma')
(__main__.Klaus, 'chumma')
# 3. Call staticmethod without any arg
>>> Klaus.staticmthd()
# 4. Call staticmethod with 1 arg
>>> Klaus.staticmthd('chumma')