What is the difference between a function decorated with @staticmethod and one decorated with @classmethod?
To decide whether to use @staticmethod or @classmethod you have to look inside your method. If your method accesses other variables/methods in your class then use @classmethod. On the other hand, if your method does not touches any other parts of the class then use @staticmethod.
class Apple:
_counter = 0
def about_apple():
print('Apple is good for you.')
# note you can still access other member of the class
# but you have to use the class instance
# which is not very nice, because you have repeat yourself
# For example:
# @staticmethod
# print('Number of apples have been juiced: %s' % Apple._counter)
# @classmethod
# print('Number of apples have been juiced: %s' % cls._counter)
# @classmethod is especially useful when you move your function to other class,
# you don't have to rename the class reference
def make_apple_juice(cls, number_of_apples):
print('Make juice:')
for i in range(number_of_apples):
def _juice_this(cls, apple):
print('Juicing %d...' % apple)
cls._counter += 1