If I have html like this:
This is some text
First span text
isn't the code:
var text = $('#listItem').clone().children().remove().end().text();
just becoming jQuery for jQuery's sake? When simple operations involve that many chained commands & that much (unnecessary) processing, perhaps it is time to write a jQuery extension:
(function ($) {
function elementText(el, separator) {
var textContents = [];
for(var chld = el.firstChild; chld; chld = chld.nextSibling) {
if (chld.nodeType == 3) {
return textContents.join(separator);
$.fn.textNotChild = function(elementSeparator, nodeSeparator) {
if (arguments.length<2){nodeSeparator="";}
if (arguments.length<1){elementSeparator="";}
return $.map(this, function(el){
return elementText(el,nodeSeparator);
} (jQuery));
to call:
var text = $('#listItem').textNotChild();
the arguments are in case a different scenario is encountered, such as
- some textmore textagain more
- second textmore textagain more
var text = $("li").textNotChild(".....","");
text will have value:
some textagain more.....second textagain more