Difference between private, public, and protected inheritance

后端 未结 16 1668
灰色年华 2020-11-21 06:15

What is the difference between public, private, and protected inheritance in C++?

  •  有刺的猬
    2020-11-21 06:45

    I found an easy answer and so thought of posting it for my future reference too.

    Its from the links http://www.learncpp.com/cpp-tutorial/115-inheritance-and-access-specifiers/

    class Base
        int m_nPublic; // can be accessed by anybody
        int m_nPrivate; // can only be accessed by Base member functions (but not derived classes)
        int m_nProtected; // can be accessed by Base member functions, or derived classes.
    class Derived: public Base
            // Derived's access to Base members is not influenced by the type of inheritance used,
            // so the following is always true:
            m_nPublic = 1; // allowed: can access public base members from derived class
            m_nPrivate = 2; // not allowed: can not access private base members from derived class
            m_nProtected = 3; // allowed: can access protected base members from derived class
    int main()
        Base cBase;
        cBase.m_nPublic = 1; // allowed: can access public members from outside class
        cBase.m_nPrivate = 2; // not allowed: can not access private members from outside class
        cBase.m_nProtected = 3; // not allowed: can not access protected members from outside class
