Recently, I ran some of my JavaScript code through Crockford\'s JSLint, and it gave the following error:
Problem at line 1 character 1: Missing \"use
Quoting from w3schools:
The "use strict" Directive
The "use strict" directive is new in JavaScript 1.8.5 (ECMAScript version 5).
It is not a statement, but a literal expression, ignored by earlier versions of JavaScript.
The purpose of "use strict" is to indicate that the code should be executed in "strict mode".
With strict mode, you can not, for example, use undeclared variables.
Why Strict Mode?
Strict mode makes it easier to write "secure" JavaScript.
Strict mode changes previously accepted "bad syntax" into real errors.
As an example, in normal JavaScript, mistyping a variable name creates a new global variable. In strict mode, this will throw an error, making it impossible to accidentally create a global variable.
In normal JavaScript, a developer will not receive any error feedback assigning values to non-writable properties.
In strict mode, any assignment to a non-writable property, a getter-only property, a non-existing property, a non-existing variable, or a non-existing object, will throw an error.
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