I have a JSF application running on tomcat6 in Fedora 17 using firebird as the database and all the registers coming from the database to the application are coming with a encod
My 2 cents since i got here by Google looking for an answer.. I had an issue with interbase 7.5.80 using legacy jaybird driver (v1.5). Any encoding i used on the connection other than 'NONE' resulted with timeout getting a connection. Eventually i kept using 'NONE':
FBWrappingDataSource dataSource = new FBWrappingDataSource();
java.sql.Connection c = dataSource.getConnection("sysdba", "masterkey");
And used getBytes while creating a new String instance with a specific encoding:
String column = new String(rs.getBytes("column"), "Windows-1255");
[rs is ResultSet of course]
Good luck!