IMPORTANT: for a description of the results and some more details, please have a look also to my answer
I need to group and filter a sequence of objects
After searches and experiments, I put together some code that produces the output that I expect:
static void Main(string[] args)
const string Address1 = "A:2.1.1";
const string Address2 = "A:2.1.2";
var comparer = new EventComparer();
var eventMessageA1 = new EventMessage { NetworkAddress = Address1, EventCode = 1, Attribute = 4 };
var eventMessageB1 = new EventMessage { NetworkAddress = Address2, EventCode = 1, Attribute = 5 };
var eventMessageA2 = new EventMessage { NetworkAddress = Address1, EventCode = 1, Attribute = 5 };
var list = new[] { eventMessageA1, eventMessageA1, eventMessageB1, eventMessageA2, eventMessageA1, eventMessageA1 };
var queue = new BlockingCollection();
l => list.ToList().ForEach(m =>
Console.WriteLine("Producing {0} on thread {1}", m, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
// subscribing
.Subscribe(e =>
Console.WriteLine("Queue contains {0} items", queue.Count);
e.Distinct(comparer).ToList().ForEach(m =>
Console.WriteLine("{0} - Consuming: {1} (queue contains {2} items)", DateTime.UtcNow, m, queue.Count));
Console.WriteLine("Type enter to exit");
public class EventComparer : IEqualityComparer
public bool Equals(EventMessage x, EventMessage y)
var result = x.NetworkAddress == y.NetworkAddress && x.EventCode == y.EventCode && x.Attribute == y.Attribute;
return result;
public int GetHashCode(EventMessage obj)
var s = string.Concat(obj.NetworkAddress + "_" + obj.EventCode + "_" + obj.Attribute);
return s.GetHashCode();
public class EventMessage
public string NetworkAddress { get; set; }
public byte EventCode { get; set; }
public byte Attribute { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
const string Format = "{0} ({1}, {2})";
var s = string.Format(Format, this.NetworkAddress, this.EventCode, this.Attribute);
return s;
Anyway, monitoring the application, it seems that this causes a memory leak. My question is now:
it seems that the memory increment lasts only some minutes, then the value is stable. I will run a long test. Of course, this would be an absolutely acceptable behavior.
UPDATE 26.08.12:
Anyway, I think that my question is still open for unit tests using the test scheduler.
thanks Francesco