Currently I use this code for retrieving the ping of a target system. However it works so far only under linux and it is likely dependent on the locale settings. To add suppor
The ping method return a 0 exit code event if the target is unreachable in Windows. You have to parse the command output. The following example is working on Windows and linux :
class MyClass {
private slots:
void OnPing();
void OnPingEnded();
Process mPingProcess;
void MyClass::OnPing()
connect(&mPingProcess, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), this, SLOT(OnPingEnded()));
#ifdef __linux__
mPingProcess.start("ping", QStringList() << "-c" << "1" << ui->ip->text());
mPingProcess.start("ping", QStringList() << "-n" << "1" << ui->ip->text());
void MyClass::OnPingEnded()
QByteArray output = mPingProcess.readAllStandardOutput();
if (!output.isEmpty())
qDebug() << output;
if (-1 != QString(output).indexOf("ttl", 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
qDebug() << "PING OK";
qDebug() << "PING KO";