I have a ListView (WinForms) in which i want to move items up and down with the click of a button. The items to be moved are the ones who are checked. So if item 2, 6 and 9 are
Only for complete, based on 'Jason Larke' static helper solution:
That solution don't move adjacent items, that can be done using a Stack so:
private enum MoveDirection { Up = -1, Down = 1 };
private static void MoveListViewItems(ListView sender, MoveDirection direction)
int dir = (int)direction;
int opp = dir * -1;
bool valid = sender.SelectedItems.Count > 0 &&
((direction == MoveDirection.Down && (sender.SelectedItems[sender.SelectedItems.Count - 1].Index < sender.Items.Count - 1))
|| (direction == MoveDirection.Up && (sender.SelectedItems[0].Index > 0)));
if (valid)
Stack aPila = new Stack();
ListViewItem item = default(ListViewItem);
foreach ( item in sender.SelectedItems) {
for (int iaux = 1; iaux <= aPila.Count; iaux++) {
item = (ListViewItem)aPila.Pop();
int index = item.Index + dir;
sender.Items.Insert(index, item);
sender.Items[index + opp].SubItems[1].Text = (index + opp).ToString();
item.SubItems[1].Text = (index).ToString();