I have a ListView (WinForms) in which i want to move items up and down with the click of a button. The items to be moved are the ones who are checked. So if item 2, 6 and 9 are
private void MoveItems(ListView sender, MoveDirection direction)
bool valid = sender.SelectedItems.Count > 0 &&
((direction == MoveDirection.Down && (sender.SelectedItems[sender.SelectedItems.Count - 1].Index < sender.Items.Count - 1))
|| (direction == MoveDirection.Up && (sender.SelectedItems[0].Index > 0)));
if (valid)
bool start = true;
int first_idx = 0;
List items = new List();
// ambil data
foreach (ListViewItem i in sender.SelectedItems)
if (start)
first_idx = i.Index;
start = false;
// hapus
foreach (ListViewItem i in sender.SelectedItems) i.Remove();
// insert
if (direction == MoveDirection.Up)
int insert_to = first_idx - 1;
foreach (ListViewItem i in items)
sender.Items.Insert(insert_to, i);
int insert_to = first_idx + 1;
foreach (ListViewItem i in items)
sender.Items.Insert(insert_to, i);
Your answers don't work well fren. Here my code work perfect...