I have nuget package restore enabled in my solution. However, when I try to build the project, I get this error:
This project references NuGet package(s) that ar
Please follow below mentioned steps:
Step 1: Please enable Nuget Package Restore by right clicking on solution [as mentioned in below screenshot]
Step 2: [Follow this if the issue / error is not resolved by following step 1] Still if you face the issue, please open .csproj file in notepad and check for the package path which might look like
So your solutions directory structure will be like: \SolutionDirectory\
Package Directory \SolutionDirectory\packages
Project Directory \SolutionDirectory\ProjectName\ProjectName.csproj
Please open this .csproj [in which you're getting error in notepad and search for packages path and update it to its relevant path.
For e.g. my .csproj contained, if .csproj file contains ....\packages then update that path with ..\packages