I have two model classes, each is a table in a database. One model is called \'Clothes\' and the other \'Shoes\'.
I want to display the contents of each table in the sa
Either make a view model class which has both the class as its object. It would be then type safe.
public class ViewModelForDisplay
public Clothes Clothes {get; set;}
public Shoes Shoes {get; set;}
//on Controller
Clothes objClothes = GetClothes();
Shoes objShoes = GetShoes();
ViewModelForDisplay objViewModel = new ViewModelForDisplay() {Clothes = objClothes, Shoes= objShoes }
The other easy way to do it by using ViewBag.It uses the dynamic feature that was added in to C# 4. It allows an object to dynamically have properties added to it. Its also Type Safe
ViewBag.Shoes= objShoes ;
ViewBag.Clothes= objClothes ;
You could also use ViewData to pass objects to html. BUt this would not be type safe. It requires casting
ViewData["Clothes "] = objClothes ;
ViewData["Shoes "] = objShoes ;