I created a simple demo app with a NSTextView and a button, the provided a NSTextViewDelegate to the textView and added an action:
- (IBAction)actionButtonClicke
Let's say you want your NSTextView to create a new undo group when user hits the Enter key (Apple Pages behavior). Then you might type this code in your NSTextView subclass:
override func shouldChangeTextInRange(affectedCharRange: NSRange, replacementString: String?) -> Bool {
super.shouldChangeTextInRange(affectedCharRange, replacementString: replacementString)
guard replacementString != nil else { return true }
let newLineSet = NSCharacterSet.newlineCharacterSet()
if let newLineRange = replacementString!.rangeOfCharacterFromSet(newLineSet) {
// check whether it's a single character (user hit Return key)
let singleCharRange = (replacementString!.startIndex)! ..< (replacementString!.startIndex.successor())!
if newLineRange == singleCharRange {
return true