I have an excel sheet created by a 3rd party program.
One of the columns has dates in this format: \"Jan 19, 2015 03:00:00 PM\"
I would like these dates to appea
While you didn't tag VBA as a possible solution, you may be able to use what some feel is a VBA shortcoming to your advantage; that being VBA heavily defaulted to North American regional settings unless explicitly told to use another.
Tap Alt+F11 and when the VBE opens, immediately use the pull down menus to Insert ► Module (Alt+I,M). Paste the following into the pane titles something like Book1 - Module1 (Code).
Sub mdy_2_dmy_by_Sel()
Dim rDT As Range
With Selection
.Replace what:=Chr(160), replacement:=Chr(32), lookat:=xlPart
.TextToColumns Destination:=.Cells(1, 1), DataType:=xlFixedWidth, FieldInfo:=Array(0, 1)
For Each rDT In .Cells
rDT = CDate(rDT.Value2)
Next rDT
.NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"
End With
End Sub
Tap Alt+Q to return to your worksheet. Select all of the dates (just the dates, not the whole column) and tap Alt+F8 to Run the macro.
Note that both date and time are preserved. Change the cell number format if you wish to see the underlying times as well as the dates.