I have a UILabel and it is set to 42.0 pt font, and the width of the label is set using autoconstraints based on factors other than the label itself (aka the things to the right
Interesting question. Here's my solution:
let labelText = self.mylabel.text //where mylabel is the label
let labelSeperated = self.labelText.components(seperatedBy: " ")
if labelSeperated.count > 1 {
myLabel.lineBreakMode = .byWordWrapping
myLabel.numberOfLines = 0
} else {
myLabel.numberOfLines = 1
myLabel.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true
Put this code where the label will be changed. It sets the line number to 0 if there are two or more numbers, otherwise set to 1 line only.
If you want to resize multi-line labels, check out this blog post.