I\'m often writing code that compares two objects and produces a value based on whether they are the same, or different, based on how they are different.
So I might writ
If you have to support arbitrary predicates you can derive from this (which is based on Daniel's idea):
List(v1, v2) filter (_ %2 == 0) match {
case List(value1, value2) => "a"
case List(value) => "b"
case _ => "c"
the definition of the function:
def filteredMatch[T,R](values : T*)(f : T => Boolean)(p: PartialFunction[List[T], R]) : R =
p(List((values filter f) :_* ))
Now you can use it like this:
filteredMatch(v1,v2)(_ %2 == 0){
case List(value1, value2) => "a"
case List(value) => "b"
case _ => "c"
I'm not so sure if it's a good idea (i.e. readable). But a neat exercise nonetheless.
It would be nice if you could match on tuples: case (value1, value2) => ...
instead of lists.