I\'m in need of some sage advice here. Long story short, I\'m rebuilding a - for me - relatively complex app comprised of about 7000 lines of code. I ran into a number of issues
: *** CollectObjLibFilenames.bat ***
dir /B *.obj > ObjLibFilenames.txt
dir /B *.lib >> ObjLibFilenames.txt
Microsoft says "If you use precompiled headers, LINK requires that all of the object files created with precompiled headers must be linked in."
I thought there would be a name collision if I added the object file containing my application's entry point,main(int argc, char *argv)
, but my unit test projects link successfully with or without main.obj. I have not tried linking a file with other entry point flavors (WinMain, wWinMain, wmain). If you have a name collision with one of those, you could aways change the name of your entry point (which would be weird): Properties, Linker, Advanced, edit the Entry point, and rename the Application's entry point function correspondingly. The option is not specified in the unit test project I just looked at, which I assume means default, which almost surely ismain(int argc, char *argv)
My main.cpp files have only one function (main) and no globals, i.e. no other part of the application refers to anything in main.cpp. I assume you can get away with omitting any object file if nothing in it is referenced by a linked file. Not worth the effort to figure out which satisfy that requirement for small applications. For large applications...good luck with that; Eventually you'll want to test all your execution paths anyway.
You will likely have a precompiled header object file, stdafx.obj file in the unit test project as well as the one in your application project. That will not be a problem, as the default object file names for the precompiled header files are $(TargetName).pch, where $(TargetName) resolves the project name. I.e., the pch object files will have different names.
Suggetion: Rather than copying the contents of my application's stdafx.h file into the corresponding unit test file, include the application's stdafx.h in the unit test project's stdafx.h file, so you don't have to update the unit test's version when the application's file changes.#include
works, but I use the relative path between the two projects (if their relative paths are stable), or the full pathname of the application's source file if that's more stable, to be sure the right file is found. See difference-between-include-hpp-and-include-hpp for an unsettling explanation about how #include"header.h" and #include are interpreted. Spoiler: it's another implementation specific feature of C++.
As an aside, precompiled header files are specified on a per source file (.cpp) basis. An individual .cpp file can use only one precompiled header file, but you can have more than one precompiled header file in the same project. See this: