I have been using ANTLR to generate a parser + tree grammar for a mark up language with Java target which works fine. Now I am trying to get the target in JavaScript to use it i
I have been trying to get this working, and have only just managed to generate .js files succesfully after reading this:
From the post:
Here's how to get started with ANTLR and the JavaScript back-end:
From then on you can use ANTLRWorks 1.2.2 to generate the lexer and parser code by selecting "Generate Code" from the "Generate" menu. ANTLRWorks will place the generated files into an
directory in the folder in which the grammar file resides.
Note that if an error occurs in the generation process, then for some reason the "Generate Code" action no longer works. Simply close the grammar and re-open it from the "Open Recent" menu.